We’re All Human

The Indian Caste System was established in 400 CE, and ever since, it has become a way of life so striking that it is prevalent in society even today. Jawaharlal Nehru, a man believing firmly in social justice, stated that until we demolish the caste system, irrespective of jobs, castes, race and community, India can never rise to its truest stature.

The word ‘Caste’ is defined as a social class or order implemented since birth, in order to differentiate the functions available to members of different castes. These people titled the “Untouchables,” are considered a part of the caste system and are only sought after for the caste discrimination. They aren’t alone, however, because we don’t consider how we have been building castes of our own. Time has allowed for various changes in the caste system, and it definitely hasn’t improved.

The Dalit community in India has faced immense discrimination and violence, but it has rarely been portrayed in media. In the current times of the Covid-19 pandemic, we see the construction of social stigma against many people solely based on the location of their residence or the colour of their skin. 

Street vendors, Migrant Workers, Roadside Barber Shops, Part-Time Domestic Helpers, and other members of the working class have suffered immensely. These people are the new Untouchables because everyone fears the risk they carry and think of them as ‘polluted’ with the touch of the virus. They are the ones genuinely suffering, left with no means to feed their families or afford the dire necessities of life. It is up to us to save them from this damnation on Earth because we are the ones who can make a real change. It’s time to stand up for them. 


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