Health Benefits of Strawberries

Rich Source of Nutrients:

Strawberries are a rich source of vitamins like Vitamin C, B9 – manganese, potassium, fibres, and numerous antioxidants like polyphenols. Moreover, strawberries are fat-free and ensure a great low-calorie snack at any time. One cup of strawberries – about 8 of them – has merely 53 calories, 1.1 grams of protein, and 8.2 grams of sugar.

Prevents Several Diseases:

Strawberries protect the heart, increase cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and even protect us against cancer. The clinical research prompted by several doctors demonstrates that one serving of strawberries a day – which is one cup – has many medical benefits, like managing brain and heart health alongside managing type-2 diabetes as well.

Manages Cholesterol Levels:

Pectin, a soluble fibre present in strawberries, promotes the lowering of cholesterol by about 10%. Pectin is present in strawberries and various other fruits, like apples, grapes, and other citrus fruits. Certain bioactive compounds help fend off many heart diseases and other chronic diseases as they contain antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects.

Strong Immunity Booster:

One serving of strawberries contains roughly 51.5 mg of vitamin C, which is, in fact, half the daily intake requirement. Vitamin C is a formidable immunity booster and antioxidant.

Prevents Wrinkles and Improves Skin:

Vitamin C is crucial in collagen production, which helps improve skin elasticity and resilience. Since we lose collagen as we age, eating vitamin C rich foods could help one attain healthier, younger-looking skin.

Stimulates Weight Loss:

Strawberries are fat-free and low in sugars and sodium; therefore, they are a healthy choice of snack as opposed to consuming 100 calorie snack bars! Additionally, adding strawberries to smoothies makes for a fantastic breakfast option.


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