Health Benefits of Chocolate

  1. Source of Antioxidants

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is the measure of the Antioxidant Activity of foods. Raw Cocoa Beans are one of the highest-scoring foods to be tested. Dark Chocolate is loaded with biologically-active organic compounds that act as antioxidants, including Polyphenols, Flavonols, and Catechins.

2. Improves Blood Flow

Flavonoids present in Dark Chocolate stimulate the Artery Linings to produce Nitric Oxide, which signals the arteries to relax and reduce blood flow resistance. Many studies have found that Cocoa and Dark Chocolate have a mild, yet helpful impact on blood flow and pressure.

3. Lowers Risk Factors for Disease

A study conducted on the effect on Cholesterol levels of Chocolate containing plant sterols and cocoa flavanols concluded: “Regular consumption of Chocolate bars containing PS and CF, as part of a low-fat diet, may support cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure.” Insulin resistance may also be reduced by consuming Dark Chocolate, which is another risk factor for heart diseases and diabetes. Multiple observational studies have shown up to a 57% decrease in the risk of heart disease in people that ate Dark Chocolate numerous times a week.

4. Protects the Skin

Studies show that the Flavonoids present in Dark Chocolate may help protect the skin from sun damage. One study showed that the minimum amount of UVB rays required to cause redness in the skin more than doubled in people consuming Dark Chocolate for the prior 12 weeks.

5. Improves Brain Function

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that Hot Chocolate helped improve blood flow to parts of the brain where it was needed. They are hopeful that this may lead to advances in the understanding of neurological diseases. Lead author of the paper, Farzaneh A. Sorond said: “As different areas of the brain need more energy to complete their tasks, they also need greater blood flow. This relationship, called neurovascular coupling, may play an important role in diseases such as Alzheimer’s.”

6. Boosts your Levels of Happiness

Chocolate has been shown to contain several different stimulants and chemicals that help the body release Endorphins, which are the body’s happy chemicals. This suggests that after a mildly traumatic event, extra endorphins may calm the nerves of victims.


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