- Builds immunity
Lemon has antioxidants such as Vitamin C, phenolic acid, and essential oils which are responsible for boosting immunity. Lemon juice contains anti-inflammatory properties which help build immunity.
When our body has optimum levels of Vitamin C, it produces interferon which are proteins created by the immune system, to fight viral infections, influenza and flu. Vitamin C is the key to our immune system, and produces B and T cells, these are essential for our immune response.
2. Prevents cancer
Lemon has substances that have cancer-fighting properties. Vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemon help prevent damage to cells that can lead to cancer. Two anti- carcinogenic properties that are found in lemons are; modified citrus pectin (MCP) and limonoid.
MCP is a carbohydrate found in lemon. Studies have shown that it can prevent the spread of breast, prostate, liver, bone, and even skin cancer. Limonoid is a chemical present in lemon that is capable of slowing cancer cell growth.
3. Breaking Kidney stones
Kidney stones are formed when urine in the kidney becomes supersaturated with stone-forming salts and an absence of a few preventive substances. Substances like uric acid, oxalate, and calcium form crystals in kidneys.
Citrate present in lemons is known to break up stones. Lemon is full of natural citrate, which binds with calcium and blocks the formation of stones. The citric acid in lemon increases the urinary citrate level and is a strongly suggested treatment of Kidney Stones.
4. Aids in Weight loss
A proven method for weight loss is keeping the liver and digestive system healthy by eliminating toxins. Poor digestion is a major reason for weight gain as the body is not able to burn fat because of the build-up of toxins that slow the metabolism.
Research shows that Lemon juice mixed with water is an effective way to increase the metabolic rate. It aids in cleansing the liver and prevents bloating because of healthy digestion.
5. Controlled Blood pressure
Blood pressure occurs when the pressure of blood in the arteries is increased. Lemon reduces hypertension by softening the blood vessels, reducing the rigidity, and making them flexible.
Pectin, another component, keeps the fat, cholesterol, and sugar in the blood at healthy levels that are linked to the hardening of arteries. Lemon also has flavonoids and vitamin P that strengthen the blood vessels and potassium lowers the blood pressure.
6. Controlled Joint and muscle pain
High uric acid levels in the blood is responsible for joint and muscle pain. In many cases, this led to gout, a form of arthritis. Uric acid forms sharp crystals that collect in big joints and toes.
Lemon juice makes the body alkaline and balances the uric levels. It releases more calcium carbonate which bonds with uric acid to break it into the water and other compounds making the blood less acidic while lowering the uric acid levels. A lack of potassium leads to muscle cramps, lemon is a rich source of potassium, which supports a healthy skeletal muscle function.
7. Great skin care tool
Vitamin C is a key ingredient in most skincare products as it neutralizes free radicals and stimulates the renewal of cells by exfoliating your skin. Lemon helps make collagen and elastin, which keeps your skin plump and youthful, without enough collagen, our skin starts to wrinkle.
A sliced lemon used as a facial scrub removes dead skin, age spots, blemishes and stubborn dirt revealing a fresh layer of skin underneath. It’s juice acts as the perfect natural antibacterial treatment for acne. Consumption of it regularly makes the skin look radiant while detoxifying the blood.
8. Reduces stress levels
When we get stressed because of our concerns, the body adrenal glands release a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol is commonly known as the “stress hormone” and is known to have many adverse effects on the body like loss of sleep, high blood pressure, and weight gain.
Vitamin C in lemons minimizes the effects of cortisol in our bodies. Lemon balm has a calming effect to remove fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety, nervousness, and tension. One can add a few drops of lemon balm on a handkerchief to inhale when tense, a glass of lemonade at regular intervals further helps in staying relaxed and keeping energy levels high.