Mahieka Gidwani

Mahieka Gidwani is a senior-year student at ABWA, currently studying for her A-Levels. She expresses great love for the written word; books have always appealed to her, and in more recent years, she has tried being the writer rather than the reader. Her role at Phoenixx Magazine is one that she holds with great pride. She takes it upon herself to present to her audience stories of a fascinating nature. And while she enjoys all forms of writing, she would definitely call poetry her forte. In 2023, she started a blog –, along with its complementary Instagram page, @handthatgirlamic. One can head there to read more of her work, ranging from poetry tips to social commentary. Mahieka is thrilled to have the opportunity to share stories on such a platform. It is important to her that each article under her name creates a profound impact and lingering afterthoughts. As she always says: I like to write, so let’s hope you like to read.